Directory information is information contained in the education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Under the terms of FERPA, universities are permitted to establish directory information that may be released upon request without the student’s consent at the discretion of the institution, provided that the student has not restricted such information from disclosure.

Important Note
Restricted directory information will be kept confidential (as is the case with all other student education record information) except in limited situations as permitted under the terms of FERPA, including (but not limited to) disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests; health and safety emergencies; and compliance with a judicial order or lawfully-issued subpoena.
Directory Information at JHU
JHU has established the following as directory information:
- Name of a student who is or who has been in attendance
- Name pronounciation
- Local address of a present or former student
- Hopkins e-mail address of a present or former student
- Local telephone number of a present or former student
- Major field of study of a present or former student
- Participation in Johns Hopkins Athletics (limited to hometown, sport, height, and/or weight)
- Dates of attendance
- Degrees and awards received, and pertinent dates
- Honors
- Photograph (still, video, audio)
- Classification (enrollment status) and level of study
Annual Notification of Rights
JHU is required to notify eligible students currently in attendance of their rights under FERPA, including the right to restrict disclosure of directory information. The annual notification of rights is provided in SIS, the JHU Student Information System, and is also included in the Johns Hopkins University Academic Catalogue.
Restricting Release of Directory Information
Students may restrict the release of their directory information by utilizing the Directory Information (FERPA) screen available in SIS Student Self-Service. Students may also use the same screen to cancel existing restrictions on the disclosure of their directory information.

Students who have additional questions about restricting disclosure of their Directory Information should consult the OUR FERPA Compliance website for additional information or contact the Office of Student Enrollment and Account Management with any questions. JHU faculty and staff who have questions about Directory Information or other FERPA compliance matters may contact their divisional registrar/records office, the Office of General Counsel, or the OUR at [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about directory information are available on the FERPA Resources page alongside other FERPA-related FAQs.
August 2023 Enhancements to the Directory Information Restriction Processes
In August 2023, JHU implemented changes to the process for student restriction of Directory Information.
Prior to August 2023, students were able to restrict individual Directory Information data elements from disclosure. Effective August 2023, if a student elects to restrict their Directory Information, all Directory Information data elements will be restricted. As a result, students with existing restrictions on the disclosure of only some Directory Information data elements (e.g., local address only) should be advised that all of their Directory Information is now restricted from disclosure. Students who wish to cancel restrictions on the disclosure of their Directory Information may do so using the Directory Information (FERPA) screen in SIS Student Self-Service.