JHU is committed to ensuring that employees who work with students or handle student data have the knowledge necessary to uphold their FERPA compliance obligations and are aware of students’ rights under the law.

FERPA Online Training

JHU offers a web-based FERPA training module, FERPA Online Training, that is available to all university employees via JHU’s MyLearning platform. The purpose of the training module is to ensure that everyone within the institution has the opportunity to better understand the FERPA regulations and the related responsibilities of school officials regarding proper use and maintenance of education records within their roles at Hopkins.

Accessing FERPA Online Training

JHU’s MyLearning platform can be accessed via the Education dropdown menu on the MyJH site. From the MyLearning Home tab, users can begin typing “FERPA” in the search bar. The autocomplete function will display the FERPA Online Training course link.

Direct Link to FERPA Online Training (via JHU MyLearning)

Launching FERPA Online Training

Once on the FERPA Online Training landing page, users can click the “Launch” button in order to begin the course.

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FERPA Training & University Systems Access

Please note that faculty and staff may be asked to complete the FERPA Online Training module prior to being granted access to university systems that provide access to student data. This request is typically made via the UIS Access Tools platform when an access request is submitted. The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) monitors FERPA Online Training completions through reporting tools within the MyLearning platform.